Submitting Open Records Requests
USAO requires requests to be submitted in writing, handwritten or electronically. Requests should be sent to
Types of Records Available
USAO Marketing & Communications does not accept the following types of records requests:
- Continuing requests with an indefinite ending date
- Requests requiring responsive records up to the date of production
USAO has the capacity to provide the following types of records including but not limited to:
- Paper records
- Electronic communications
- Audio and video files
- Text messages on state-issued phones
- Calendar entries
- YouTube
Records Search Options
USAO can conduct searches for sent and received electronic communications in the following manner:
- Named organizations or individuals
- Identified cell phone numbers
- Specific email addresses
- Email domains
If you do not have a specific name, number or email address, please provide relevant search terms and timeframe(s) for USAO to narrow the search.
Available electronic communications can be requested from calendar year 2018 forward.
To eliminate unwanted electronic communications, requestors may elect to exclude news or listserv correspondence or alerts from bulk media sources.
Fee Policy
- Requests may be subject to fees for the costs of the record searches and copies. Pursuant
to 51 O.S. 2021, § 24A.5(4), the USAO office of marketing and communications may elect
to charge a reasonable fee to cover direct costs of copying or mechanical reproduction
of records subject to the Act. In addition, if the request is solely for a commercial
purpose or would clearly cause excessive disruption of USAO’s essential functions,
USAO may charge an additional fee to recover its direct cost of record searching and
copying. Further, USAO reserves the right to waive any fee(s) when the office believes
the public interest outweighs an excessive disruption of office functions. Those submitting
a request subject to additional recovery costs will be provided with an estimate and
a fee responsibility acknowledgement that must be completed before work begins. The
imposition of fees will not be used for the purpose of discouraging requests for information
nor as obstacles to disclosure of requested information.
This request form was officially filed with Jill Locke, Grady County Clerk, on December 13, 2024.