Self-Help Resources

Common Concerns

Below are some common concerns that may arise during your time in college. Learn more by clicking on the dropdown boxes of the topics you wish to learn about. There are resources listed under this table, but please note the information on these topics is not limited to the links on this page.

If you or someone you know is badly hurt or is at serious risk of harm, call 911.

Download and save the flyer below:

Mental Health Resources Flyer

Learn more about eating disorders through the National Institute of Mental Health website.

Academic Accommodations:

If you are diagnosed with ADHD, you may be eligible for disability services under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The USAO Disability Services Office is responsible for coordinating the provision of reasonable academic accommodations for the documented manifestations of cognitive and/or psychiatric disabilities.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Attending college is one of the first major life transitions for many young adults. Some students are excited to take on the new experiences of campus life, while others feel apprehensive about making this change. Regardless of your outlook when beginning your first year of college, you may benefit from talking with others who have already made that transition.

Making the Transition:

What are some of the most common changes you can expect in the first year on campus?

  • New environment and relationships.  First year students must adapt to an unfamiliar environment, adjust to different living arrangements, and develop new relationships. Living with roommates may be the first ‘test’ freshmen experience. Students face the challenge of adjusting to roommates who may have very different boundaries and individual needs than family and friends from home. Roommates may or may not develop close friendships, but communication and compromise can build a smoother transition. College brings a unique opportunity to interact and live with students from various backgrounds and cultures. Expanding your worldview by learning about each other’s differences and similarities will likely enhance your college experience.
  • Greater personal freedom.  Living on your own for the first time means that you will gain independence and take charge of the many choices and decisions that your parents and teachers made for you in the past. While this new found freedom can be exciting, it may also feel overwhelming and less predictable than what you are accustomed to. The freedom to manage your daily life is a learning process, but one that can be very satisfying.
  • Added responsibility.  First-year students must manage the important daily responsibilities that accompany their increased personal freedom. Students must manage basic tasks such as eating, sleeping, exercising, and going to class. New students must also address more complex responsibilities such as balancing studying and socializing, participating in clubs and activities, and handling finances. Managing time is a demand that all first-year students experience. A typical day in college is less structured than high school, and there is more reading and studying that is required outside of class. Some students may feel as if they have no free time to do anything but schoolwork, while others feel like they have too much free time outside of the classroom.
  • Changing relationships.  While there are many changes occurring in your new campus life, there will also be changes in your relationships. New students often face challenges such as best friends going to other universities, beginning new romantic relationships or maintaining existing ones, and juggling newly formed relationships with already established ones. Students must balance a sense of connectedness and separation while at college. Some freshmen feel the need to call or e-mail home several times a week in the first few months away, while others require less frequent communication with their family and friends.

Common Stressors:

The first year of college is a new and exciting adventure, but one that may come with a few challenges along the way. What are some of the most common stressors that first-year students experience?

  • Time Management. Now that you are in college, there are no more eight hour school days like those in many high schools. You may have class for six, three, or even zero hours a day. The rest of your time must be negotiated between homework, clubs and activities, work, socializing, and self-care. College students often feel as if there is just not enough time to do everything that needs to be done. Using a schedule and some organizational skills will help you to effectively manage your hectic and changing life.
  • Academic Performance. By nature, college coursework is challenging, and it can be hard to keep up with the increased academic demands. Some students undergo pressure from both themselves and their parents. In order to manage the increased demands and expectations, it is important to attend class regularly, keep up with readings and assignments, and ask for help when you need it. Professors are there to assist you, and want you to succeed. If you need additional help, tutoring services are available at no additional cost.
  • Roommate Conflict. Learning to live with someone new can be one of the most challenging aspects of going to college. Different living habits are the most common source of roommate conflict (i.e. neat vs. messy; quiet vs. noisy; early-to-bed vs. up-all-night). Failure to communicate your expectations about living together can lead to tension and eventually conflict. To avoid “roommate fallout” you should communicate your needs and expectations respectfully, while recognizing your own habits and quirks that might affect your relationship. If conflict does escalate you should take it to a Resident Assistant, Resident Director, or the Counselor to determine a course of action.
  • Long Distance Dating Relationships. It is not uncommon for first-year students to begin college in a long distance dating relationship. Where at one time this relationship may have helped you cope with everyday stress, it could now be a source of distress due to the distance between you and your partner. Uncertainty in what the future holds for the relationship is one of the most common stressors experienced by college students in long distance dating relationships. There are a few key efforts that each partner can make to lessen the sting of separation. Verbal communication, openness, and assurance of one another can reduce stress associated with being separated. It is also essential for each partner to seek social support from others and remain active in their individual lives while apart.
  • Body Image. Many college students also struggle with body image. Our culture pays a great deal of attention to the appearance of our bodies, particularly during young adulthood. Media representations of the ideal body, messages from peers, and other cultural factors shape what we perceive as “normal” or “good”. It can be difficult to have a clear, healthy perspective on ourselves and our bodies when our culture sends so many confusing, conflicting, and sometimes unhealthy messages. This can be stressful at a time when many are trying to “fit in” with others and make new, exciting relationships. If you find yourself preoccupied with how you look or become distressed about your body, discussing your concerns and ideas with someone can be extremely helpful in creating, developing, and maintaining a body image that is healthful and fulfilling.

Reccommendations for First-Year Students:

What steps can you take to have a great first year of college?

  • Be patient. While campus may seem new and overwhelming for new students, it becomes more familiar with time. Refer to the many resources available to assist you in navigating your surroundings. Your R.A., upper-level students, and the university Website are all useful tools to get you through the initial transition to campus.
  • Connect with other students. If you talk to other students, you are likely to discover that they share similar questions and concerns. Your R.A. is an excellent person to go to when issues arise. She or he is equipped to help you solve problems and refer you to appropriate resources.
  • Get involved. Student organizations are a fun way to interact with other students and faculty. Meeting people with similar interests and goals is an exciting way to make friends and participate in social activities.
  • Utilize resources. There are numerous resources on campus designed to create a rewarding college experience. There are numerous sources of support such as the Office of Dean of Students, the Counseling Center, the Career Center, your Academic Advisor, financial aid programs, and mentoring/tutoring programs offered to address various student needs.
  • Care for yourself. The foundation for a productive college career is a healthy lifestyle. Take the necessary steps for nurturance, getting adequate rest, socializing, and physical activity. The Nobbs Wellness Center is an example of just one campus facility that strives to promote healthy practices and to educate the campus community on various health topics.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn about Alcohol Abuse and Addiction through the Addiction Center website

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about anxiety disorders through the National Institute of Mental Health website.

How to Get Help:

The Counseling Center provides counseling for these and related issues, as well as information about, and referral to, other community resources. 

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

There are many reasons why students choose to come to study in the United States. Some of the most common reasons are to obtain a degree, play a sport, to gain professional and academic training, to learn about another culture, or to enhance personal growth. Often it is some combination of these. Some international students know a lot about the United States before arriving while others know much less. Whatever the reasons for coming to the United States, and regardless of how much is known about the culture, nearly all international students go through a period of adjustment.

Common Stages of Adapting to a New Culture:

Adaptation to a new culture is a normal process. A number of stages in this process have been identified and are useful as guidelines. However, due to individual differences, not all people experience each stage, and the stages can last different lengths of time for different people.

  • The honeymoon stage: In this stage everything seems exciting and new; people often feel energetic and enthusiastic during this period.
  • The culture shock stage: In this stage people become very aware of the differences and conflicts in values and customs between their home culture and the new culture. Culture shock increases especially when one has difficulties with a new language and/or when one experiences prejudice. Common feelings during this stage include confusion, anxiety, homesickness, and/or anger.
  • The recovery stage: In this stage people begin to resolve the stress of stage 2. One learns more about the new culture, finds more understanding, and manages better than before. The common feelings during this stage are a mixture of those felt in Stages 1 and 2.
  • The adaptation stage: In this stage people come to accept and appreciate the similarities as well as the differences between cultures. There is room to develop a realistic view of both and have clearer ideas about one’s likes and dislikes in each.

Why a New Culture Can Be Challenging: 

Many factors can make the process of adapting to a new culture challenging. Some common factors include:

  • Change: All changes, whether positive or negative, can be stressful, because change brings the unknown and unfamiliar with it. Certainly, coming to a new culture involves many changes.
  • Loss: Coming to a new culture can mean having some losses to grieve: loss of contact with family and friends; loss of the status one is used to in the home culture; loss of familiar and favorite places, foods, climate, etc.
  • Value differences: The differences in values between the U.S. culture and one’s home culture can be challenging. These can include moral, social, political, educational, and work-related value differences. Generally, the greater the differences between the cultures, the more challenging the adaptation process.
  • Expectations: One’s experiences in the U.S. may be affected by the expectations one has beforehand. Difficulties can arise when high expectations are not met.
  • Social skills: The social skills necessary to be successful, both interpersonally and academically, vary from culture to culture. Many international students have very effective social skills in their home culture and language, but may find it hard to learn the different ones needed for success in the U.S.
  • Host country receptivity: The way people in the U.S. treat international students also affects the adaptation process. If one encounters people who express discrimination and prejudice, and who expect everyone to conform to the U.S. way of life, adaptation can be more difficult.

Common Signs of Adaptation Stress: 

It is natural for people living in a different culture to feel sad and lonely at times, and to miss their home culture, friends and family. Sometimes, however, the stress of adapting may reach a level that requires special attention. Common signs of this stress can include:

  • Feeling homesick most or all of the time
  • Feeling lonely much of the time
  • Feeling sad or anxious much of the time
  • Crying more than usual, often for no particular reason
  • Experiencing a marked change in sleeping habits
  • Experiencing a marked change in appetite
  • Feeling irritable a lot of the time
  • Experiencing physical problems or discomfort for which doctors can find no reason
  • Having many minor illnesses, such as colds, headaches, or stomach pains
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • Experiencing academic difficulties not typically experienced before
  • Feeling out-of-control in various aspects of  life
  • Feeling tension and pressure much of the time

Ways to Help Cope with Culture Adaptation:

There are many things that can help during the adaptation process. Different things help different people and often, more than one approach is useful. Three areas that are most often helpful to address are academic skills, social skills, and adequate emotional support.

  • Academic skills:
    Educational systems and expectations vary from culture to culture. Being unfamiliar with the U.S. system, especially when coupled with the challenges of using a second language, can lead to academic problems. Some ways to overcome these problems include:
    • getting help to improve reading and study skills
    • looking over old exams and papers to see what is expected
    • keeping in close contact with teaching assistants and professors; stating one’s needs and asking about educational norms, suggestions, ideas, and assistance
    • meeting one-on-one with colleagues and teachers if possible to address specific questions and allow sufficient time for clarifications
    • studying with a friend, classmate or a study group
  • Social skills:
    While it is important for international students to retain their home country’s cultural identity and beliefs, learning about U.S. culture and becoming familiar with the social customs here can aid in the adaptation process. Ways to do this include:
    • spending time listening and talking with people from the U.S.
    • watching TV and reading newspapers
    • seeking out a supportive person who knows the U.S. culture well and is able to explain behaviors, language and customs.
  • Emotional support: 
    Some ways to address emotional issues include:
    • sharing feelings and experiences with others who are understanding and supportive
    • staying connected with the “comforts of home” (special foods, rituals, activities, etc.)
    • balancing academic work with leisure activities
    • seeking professional help if things do not get better over time

It is important to remember that adaptation is a normal process that can take some time and effort.

Positive Outcomes:

While the process of adaptation can be challenging, it also has many positive aspects. International students who go through this process benefit in terms of achieving personal growth, becoming more flexible and insightful, as well as more adaptable to future experiences. Cultural adaptation typically results in a broader and richer worldview that allows a person to draw from the best parts of different cultures.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about eating disorders through the National Institute of Mental Health website.

How to Get Help:

Depression is treatable and needless suffering of those who experience it can be alleviated. A mental health professional should be consulted when an individual experiences any of the following circumstances:

  • When pain or problems outweigh pleasures much of the time;
  • When symptoms are so severe and persistent that day-to-day functioning is impaired; and/or
  • When stress seems so overwhelming that suicide seems to be a viable option.

Qualified mental health professionals can help identify the causes and sources of depression and can help the individual find ways to overcome them. For further assistance call the Counseling Center at 405-574-1326 or email 

Learn about Drug Abuse and Addiction through the Addiction Center website

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about eating disorders through the National Institute of Mental Health website.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about emotional abuse through the National Domestic Violence Hotline website

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about loneliness through the VeryWell Mind website.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about perfectionism through the VeryWell Mind website.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about procrastination through the VeryWell Mind website.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or  

Learn more about self-injury through the Mayo Clinic website

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or

Learn more about stress management through the VeryWell Mind website.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or


Every suicidal threat should be taken seriously. Once detected,
suicidal threats can be responded to, and lives can be saved.
Immediate action is taken to assess the degree of danger to the
student and the level of response required. Student Life staff
members are prepared to professionally respond and support
students in a suicide threat or attempt. This involves working with
the suicidal student, their close community of friends and, as
appropriate, their family.

Guiding Principles

Points to remember when dealing with Suicidal persons:

  • Take the person seriously.
  • Know the warning signs of suicide.
  • Talk openly with the person and ask if they have a plan.
  • Show care and concern - never underestimate the power of
    understanding and support.
  • Seek professional help. In an emergency, call 988 for a mobile
    crisis unit or 911 for transport to a hospital.

Confidentiality of student Information - In accordance with the law and professional codes of ethics for counselors, maintaining
safety takes precedence over student/client confidentiality. However, in the event of a necessary disclosure of confidential
information, only information vital to maintaining safety may be
disclosed, and only to persons in a position to make appropriate
use of the information. Careful and prompt documentation should be made of consultations and steps taken to minimize risk to a student.


Professional assessment clarifies the needs of the student involved and facilitates the student's connection to support services when appropriate to regain adaptive levels of functioning. Protocol utilizes incident forms and existing campus resources. Student Life is the primary office responsible for providing training and consultation to the university community regarding suicidal behavior and related policies and procedures. The specific purposes served by the Suicide Response and Assessment Plan

Protocol are as follows:
  1. It describes suicidal risk that is clear and imminent/unclear
    and/or not imminent.
  2. It identifies when and how to report concerns about student
    suicidal behavior.
  3. It describes the roles of various offices on campus in addressing suicidal behavior (e.g. Counselor, the Dean of Students, University Housing, Security, etc.).
  4. It establishes a University Emergency Contact Process for
    notifying student Emergency Contacts about suicidal behavior.


When to Report Suicidal Behavior

All potential cases of suicidal behavior should be reported
whether they involve clear and imminent suicidal risk or unclear
and non-imminent suicidal risk.

  • Clear and Imminent Suicidal Risk
    A clear and imminent suicidal risk involves situations where a student is actively attempting to harm themselves or making unambiguous threats to do so. Examples include:
    • A student wielding a knife and stating their intent to kill themselves.
    • A student locking themselves in a bathroom after threatening to commit suicide.
    • A student making a suicide threat and fleeing from those attempting to intervene.
    • A student found with empty medication bottles, with reason to believe they ingested the medication (e.g., the student is unconscious or admits to overdosing).
    • A student sending a goodbye message to friends or family, explicitly stating their intent to end their life.
  • Unclear and Non-Imminent Suicidal Risk
    Unclear and non-imminent suicidal risk involves ambiguous situations where the severity of harm is uncertain or not immediately urgent. In such cases, the guiding principle is "better safe than sorry." It is always advisable to report potential risks to the appropriate professionals for assessment and intervention rather than assume the risk is not genuine.
  • Ambiguous threats may at times reflect attention-seeking or support-seeking behaviors, but they can also indicate the initial stages of life-threatening actions. Examples of unclear or non-immediate risks include:
    • A student emailing a professor to express that life isn't worth living.
    • A student telling a former partner during a romantic breakup that they are thinking of killing themselves.
    • A student confiding to a friend that they have fantasies of suicide and worry they may act on them someday.
    • A student posting cryptic or despairing messages on social media, such as, "What's the point anymore?" without additional context.
    • A student mentioning they've been researching methods of self-harm but insisting they're "just curious."
How to Report Concern Over Student Suicide Threat Behaviors
Imminent Risk

If you believe the risk posed to a student may be imminent-even
if you are uncertain-treat the situation as though the risk is

Steps to Follow:

  1. Call 911 or 988
    • Report the situation and request immediate assistance. Call 988 for a mobile crisis unit if needed or 911 for transport to a hospital.
  2. Contact Campus Security (if possible)
  3. Call 405-222-8066 to inform Security of the situation.
  4. Notify Appropriate Campus Contacts
    • During Regular Business Hours (Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm)
      • Dean of Students: 405-574-1349
      • Mental Health Resources: 405-574-1324
    • After Hours (5pm - 8:00am, Monday - Friday or any time on weekends or holidays)
      • USAO Helpline: 405-320-8184
        Security or the Housing Coordinators/Director will contact someone from Mental Health Resources and the Dean of Students.
  5.  Submit Report on Applicable Reporting Software
    • Provide a detailed Suicide Risk Report. This report will be sent to the Dean of Students, who can then...
      • Consult with a counselor on campus to perform a risk assessment.
      • Activate support services, including notifying the student's instructors and ensuring appropriate interventions.
      • Maintain campus-wide safety for students, faculty, and staff.
      • Implement risk management measures, such as notifying the student's emergency contact for additional support when appropriate.
Non-Imminent Risk

Steps to Follow:

  1. Notify Appropriate Campus Contacts
    1. During Regular Business Hours (Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm)
      1. Dean of Students: 405-574-1349
      2. Mental Health Resources: 405-574-1324
    2. After Hours (5pm - 8:00am, Monday - Friday or any time on weekends or holidays)
      1. USAO Helpline: 405-320-8184
      2. Security or the Housing Coordinators/Director will contact from Mental Health Resources and the Dean of Students.
      3. Submit Report on Applicable Reporting Software
        • Provide a detailed Suicide Risk Report. This report will be sent to the Dean of Students, who can then... 
          • Consult with a counselor on campus to perform a risk assessment.
          • Activate support services, including notifying the student's instructors and ensuring appropriate interventions.
          • Maintain campus-wide safety for students, faculty, and staff. Implement risk management measures, such as notifying the student's emergency contact for additional support when appropriate.
  2. Follow-Up
    The Dean of Students, campus counselor, and/or Housing Director (or their designees) consult to determine appropriate follow-up. The counselor may offer additional intervention if others have been affected by a student's suicidal behaviors.
Roles of University Employees Responsible for Responding to
Suicidal Students
  • All University Employees - All University employees are
    mandatory reporters by statute and must report all known or
    suspected suicidal behavior per the procedures outlined above.
  • Faculty and staff are also encouraged to report their concern
    regarding suicidal risk/behavior to the campus counselor or the Dean of Students.
  • Campus Counselor - Based on the information provided by the informant, the location of the student, and consultations with the Dean of Students and other stakeholders, the campus counselor may take one or more of the following actions:
    • Assess the student on the phone and/or ask the student to come into the Mental Health Resources office for an assessment,
    • Ask the caller to bring the student to the Mental Health
      Resources office for an assessment,
    • Go to the caller's location and assess the student, or
    • Call the campus security or Chickasha police and ask them either for an intervention (e.g., a welfare check at student's location) or to transport the student to Grady Memorial Hospital (or another hospital) for a psychiatric assessment.
  • Dean of Students - The campus counselor will consult with the Dean of Students whenever a report of suicidal behavior (whether by Suicide Risk Report or otherwise) is received from a faculty or staff to determine follow-up steps. The campus counselor and Dean of Students will also consult with other parties (e.g., the caller, the university's legal team, etc.) as appropriate to determine whether to require the student to meet with an appropriate mental health professional to have an assessment. To determine the level of a student's current suicidality and appropriate response, several contextual factors will be considered such as prior exhibition of suicidal ideation or attempts, substance abuse, and/or family history. Depending upon the information reported (via Suicide Risk Report or otherwise), the campus counselor and the Dean of Students will collaborate to determine the appropriate next steps, which may
    • Requiring the student to undergo a psychological or psychiatric assessment (and any necessary follow-up) conducted either by a USAO campus counselor or a qualified community mental health professional. This may be a condition for the student's return to campus or reinstatement of residency in University Housing. In
      such cases, the student will also be required to sign a release of information to allow the community professional to communicate with the Dean regarding the student's well-being and safety.
    • Encouraging the student to have a psychological or psychiatric assessment.
    • Developing a self-care plan with the student.
    • Developing a collaborative plan with the student's parents, family, or significant other.
  • Student Housing
    • Housing Directors will report to the campus counselor and Dean of Students whenever they receive reports of suicidal behavior. In instances where staff perceives that the student is in imminent danger, the housing staff will contact the campus counselor and/or request assistance from local police for involuntary transport to Grady Memorial Hospital for a psychiatric assessment.
    • Housing staff will provide the campus counselor and Dean of Students with copies of any incident reports related to the student. This will assist in assessing the situation and determining whether continued residence in University Housing is in the best interest of both the student and the broader residential community.
  • Campus Security
    • Upon request by the Dean of Students, the campus counselor, or housing staff, campus security may assist in facilitating transportation by police to Grady Memorial Hospital.
    • Security will report to the campus counselor and Dean of Students whenever they receive reports of suicidal behavior. In instances where staff perceive that the student is in imminent danger, Security will request assistance from local police for involuntary transport to Grady Memorial Hospital for a psychiatric assessment.
    • Security will provide the campus counselor and Dean of Students with copies of any applicable incident reports via the appropriate reporting platform(s). This will assist in assessing the situation and determining whether continued residence in University Housing is in the best interest of both the student and the broader residential community.
Emergency Contact Notification Policy

In the event of a mental health crisis, the following University protocol governs the notification of a student's emergency contacts. Emergency contacts are individuals identified by the student to be notified in case of an emergency. Students will be asked to update their emergency contact information annually during move-in.

The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma is committed to handling mental health crises with the highest professional standards while respecting students' privacy rights as outlined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and University policy. Under certain extreme circumstances, it may become necessary to contact a student's parents, family members, or designated emergency contact to provide support. Such contact is permissible under FERPA (34 CFR Section 99.36) if the information is essential to protect the health and safety of the
student or others.

Whenever possible, emergency contact notifications will align with professional practices, legal standards, and university policy. Legal counsel will be consulted prior to making contact, if

Balancing a student's right to privacy with the benefits of social support in crisis situations can be challenging. Professional judgment is essential in determining the appropriateness of contacting family or emergency contacts to safeguard the student's welfare. When deemed necessary and appropriate, this responsibility falls to the Dean of Students (or designee) in consultation with the campus counselor, university legal counsel, and/or the Director of Housing for students residing on campus.

Circumstances for Emergency Contact Notification

In accordance with federal and state laws, as well as professional ethical standards of confidentiality, emergency contact notification may occur under the following circumstances:

  • The student has engaged in self-inflicted, life-threatening
  • The student poses a danger to themselves or others and has not responded to professional medical or mental health advice.
  • The student has injured themselves and requires medical
  • It is determined that existing university resources are insufficient to assist the student, and that emergency contact notification may provide necessary support to mitigate risks to the student.

Learn more about test anxiety through the VeryWell Mind website.

How to Get Help:

If you or someone you know needs help, contact the USAO Counseling Office at 405-574-1326 or